Let’s improve women’s health together.

COMING SOON... Professional Development Courses


COMING SOON... Professional Development Courses 〰️

Physiotherapist teaching and instruction pregnancy clinical Pilates

Instructor Training: Pre & Postnatal Pilates

  • This course is designed for ALL industry professionals, including Pilates instructors, physios and osteos.

  • Coming soon

  • TBC

Health practitioner: Intro to working in trauma and complex pelvic pain

  • This is an introduction to working in trauma and working with clients living with complex pelvic pain.

    The course is designed to prepare YOU as a clinician, about the intricacies of working withing a trauma-informed approach.

    The course is less about how to provide clinical management, like dilator training and pelvic floor down-training, and more about how to manage the PERSON who is surviving and how to manage YOUR self-care whilst caring for others.

    • Do you know about vicarious trauma?

    • Do you know how to look after yourself?

    • Do you feel comfortable asking serious and deep questions?

    • Do you know how to handle complex emotional responses such as someone reporting sexual trauma and assault?

    This is NOT covered in physiotherapy at university, and it is a serious gap in our knowledge.

    Having worked in this area for many years, we have seen a high burn-out rate of clinicians who may not know what to expect and how to best handle this important and rewarding role.

    More details coming soon.

  • coming soon in 2025. Add yourself to our waitlist to hear as soon as we open registrations.

  • TBC